What is Slow Fashion?
Slow fashion is a movement towards providing “quality-based rather than time-based” products (Fletcher). It is a sustainable approach to fashion, which benefits the environment and all people. Since its emergence, slow fashion has not had an exact definition. But in practical terms, it is a way of shopping where buyers prioritize durable and long-lasting products rather than low-priced, poorly-made clothing that harm the environment (Loewe, 2020).
As consumers, we are responsible for what we buy. As producers, we are responsible for what we put out to the world. It is essential that the people we work with are empowered and supported through a relationship built on trust and respect.
The apparel industry is responsible for 10% of carbon emission globally (Conca, 2015), with 85% of all textiles ending up in the landfill emitting 12 billion tons of CO2 each year. It is easy to shop fast fashion garments, but we have a choice for slow and ethical brands.

Conca, J. 2015. Making Climate Change Fashionable – The garment Industry Takes on Global Warming. Retrieved March 2021 (
Loewe, E. 2020. Back To Basics: What is “Slow Fashion” Anyway & How Can I Support It? Retrieved March 2021 (
Stanton, A. 2020. What Does Slow Fashion Actually mean? Retrieved March 2021 (